Vocabulary (Period 6 Nap.)

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Tuck Everlasting Culminating Celebration

There will be a Tuck Everlasting Culminating Celebration on Friday June 7. Your child is free to bring in breakfast related items for this event. Thank you for your continued generosity! God bless you!
Maureen Valenti

IOWA links


Good Morning Families,
Just a few important tips for the IOWA testing:
It is important that your child read every night for at least one half hour.
I am uploading a few lists of vocabulary words every seventh grader should know.
Frequently, students must have a strong vocabulary to comprehend the questions.
Students must also be aware of literary devices. 
Reading non-fiction articles from Newsela are also helpful. This is a great website and will track your child's progress. They can even take an exam to check their understanding. 
To become stronger in writing, your child might want to keep a daily journal.
Please see attached information for suggestions. God bless you!
Maureen Valenti


Dear Families
There will be two ELA finals. The literature (Tuck Everlasting) will be Tuesday June 4 and the grammar (cumulative) will be Wednesday. We will be reviewing all week. Have a blessed day!
Mrs. Valenti

Book Fair

Students will be going to the book fair with me. The times are as follows:
Novia: Tuesday 11:40-12:00
Napoli Tuesday 12:20-12:40
Valenti Tuesday 1:40-2

Refugee Celebration

Dear Families,
We will be having a celebration for the conclusion of Refugee. We will be watching An American Tail and having a chip party (connected with the novel). Please send in chips if possible with your child Tuesday May 7. Thank you always for your generosity. May God bless you!
Mrs. Valenti


Dearest Families,
I hope you are well!
Allergy season is in full swing. If possible, please donate tissues for our classroom. The ones without the lotion are best because some students have additional allergies. Thank you always for your generosity! May God bless you!
Mrs. Valenti

Viewing PlusPortals

Many Easter Blessings Dear Families!
I would like everyone to be regularly monitoring their child's progress on Plusportals. Please let me know if you need help accessing the portal. Thank you and God bless you!
Mrs. Valenti

Thank You!

Thank you to all of the families who generously donated wipes and prizes to our classroom! May you have a blessed Ash Wednesday and a peaceful Lenten season. May God bless you abundantly!
Mrs. Valenti


Dearest Families,
If possible, please donate Clorox or Lysol wipes to our classroom. We are doing our best to keep a clean room and to remain healthy. Also, if possible, please donate chocolate prizes for our prize box. The kids usually love Hershey miniatures or other small items. Your generosity is greatly and truly appreciated. May God bless you abundantly!
Mrs. Valenti