Vocabulary (Period 6 Nap.)

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Unit Three Vocabulary Test

Unit Three vocabulary test will be Thursday November 15.
Also, there will be full dress Thursday November 8 due to an Open House. God bless you!
Mrs. Valenti

Harriet the Spy Cake Party

Dear Families,
On Friday, as a culminating activity for Harriet the Spy we will be having cake. Your child may bring in a cake of their choice for their homeroom class. We will also be watching the Harriet movie. Thank you always for your generosity. God bless you!
Mrs. Valenti

Spelling Test

Spelling Test Friday November 2. 
Also, Thursday 11/1 will be full dress for All Saint's Mass

Extra Help for Unit Two Vocab. Test

Dear Families,
There will be an extra help session provided for the unit two vocabulary test. This is scheduled for Tuesday 10/23 at 7:45. Thank you and God bless you!
Mrs. Valenti

Parent Signature

Dear Families,
If your child goes home with a graded assignment which requires a parent signature, please sign and return the paper with your child the following day.


Dear Families,
I hope that this message finds you well!
I want to inform you that St. Michael's Church holds Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesdays. I will be taking each homeroom on a rotating basis throughout the month. Because this is only held on Wednesdays I will be making up the ELA class during one of the Friday enrichment classes. This is to ensure that each child will not only receive the maximum amount of ELA time, but a truly valuable and sacred experience of being with our Lord. It is also fitting being that this is Greenwich Catholic School's Year of Faith. May God bless you always!
Mrs. Valenti

Full Dress Picture Day

Dear Families,
There will be full dress on Thursday October 11 due to picture day.
Mrs. Valenti

Full Dress

There will be full dress for Friday's mass. Have a great week and God bless you!
Mrs. Valenti

Parent Signature

Good Morning Families,
I hope you had a wonderful weekend! Please review your child's returned work. If there is a parent signature required, please sign and have your child show me the work the following day. Thank you so much and God bless you!
Mrs. Valenti