Vocabulary (Period 6 Nap.)

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A Few Things

Dear Families,
I hope you are well. Just a few things:
1. Your child is expected to bring in an independent reading book and keep it in their locker. There will be times of private reading and they must be prepared.
2. The sixth grade will be attending a field trip on Dec. 11. We will see A Christmas Carol at the Lehman Performing Arts Center in the Bronx. This is a very fun trip! I am sending the permission slips home today. Please return them and the fee as soon as possible.
3. Thank you to everyone who donated wipes, tissues, and hand sanitizer. We are all set for quite a while. If possible, please donate prizes to our classroom. Candy prizes seem to be the most popular as you might assume. Non-candy prizes will also be gladly accepted. Thank you for all of your continued generosity. We should be all set after this for a while.
God bless you!
Mrs. Valenti