Welcome to Sixth Grade 2017


Mrs. Valenti

Grade Six

English Language Arts


                                                                                                                             August 30, 2017


Dear Students and Families,

Welcome to an exciting year in sixth grade! I look forward to working with each and every one of you and encouraging your growth in a multitude of ways. You will become not only a stronger English student, but you will grow in your faith as well. We will spend these first few days getting to know each other and helping you to adjust to your new middle school environment. We will do all that we can to make sure that you make a comfortable transition. All students will be provided with the necessary materials which will be required for ELA. These materials will be given to each student this week and I will assist them in setting up their binders. I will answer any questions and express to the students that I am always there to help with any of their needs. Following Nature’s Classroom I will be sending home a more detailed letter with expectations and other information. Please subscribe to my webpage from the Greenwich Catholic School site. I frequently post homework assignments and other information pertaining to the class. Also, please send your child in with 2 boxes of tissues and one container of wipes if possible. We will do our very best to make sure everyone stays as healthy as possible. Thank you for your generosity. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. I am very excited to begin a new and transformative year with your child. God bless you!


Mrs. Valenti