Spelling (Period 6Napol)

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First Quarter Book Project

Book Project Due Friday October 27. The completed outlines must be stapled to the final typed copy.

Book Project

Good Morning!
The students will be responsible for writing a character change essay based on the coming of age novel they were to read independently over the course of the past few weeks. Yesterday I began to discuss the criteria. Students are to write a three paragraph essay. I will give them outlines for each paragraph. They are to fill in the information and then type up the essay using the paragraph outlines. The completed outlines are to be stapled to the typed final copy. The students will receive a packet with a rubric, additional paragraph outlines, and a sample essay. I will be going over each paragraph in detail with them. We began paragraph one yesterday. Paragraph two and three are to come this week as well as the packet. The project is due on October 27. I hope this helps. Have a blessed day!

Rosary Beads

In honor of the 100th anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima, GCS will be praying the rosary in the church on Friday October 13th. Please send your child in with a rosary if possible. God bless you!

Full Dress

Tomorrow, Friday October 6 is first Friday mass. It is a full dress day. Also, next Tuesday October 10 is picture day so it will also be full dress. God bless you!

Middle School Library

Dear Families,
Ms. Nania, our wonderful school librarian is in the process of transforming our sixth grade team room into a middle school library. If you happen to have either a 5x7 or 8x10 area rug you do not want, please consider donating it for this room. Also, if you happen to have an unwanted love seat, that would be greatly appreciated as well. Thanks so much for your continued generosity. God bless you!

Mass on Monday September 25

Dear Families,
The sixth grade will be attending mass at 9 a.m. on Monday September 25. Students may wear their regular school uniforms on that day. Thank you and God bless you!

Back to School Night

Hello Families,
Just a reminder that Back to School Night will be held on Wednesday September 20 in the gym at 7:00 p.m. I look forward to seeing you there! God bless!

Field Trip

Dear Families,
Just an FYI...I will be sending home a permission slip for a field trip to be held on December 18. Please be on the lookout for it tomorrow. Please complete the requirements and return as soon as possible. It's a great trip and we had so much fun last year I decided to take the sixth grade this year! Thanks so much! God bless you!
Maureen Valenti

Welcome Back!

Dear Families,
Welcome back to sixth grade! I hope you are all rested following Nature's Classroom! We are back in business and will be very busy! We will begin our day to commemorate the attacks of 9/11 by attending 9 a.m. mass. Parents, please purchase a locker shelf for your child. If you are in Valenti homeroom, especially to ensure that all materials are easily accessible. Have a blessed day!

Day 2 Going well!

 Dear Families,
We are off to a great start! The kids are working really hard to keep themselves organized and get to each different class. It is really cute to watch, quite frankly. We put together our ELA binders today and there will be a few more materials given out following Nature's Classroom. Thank you to everyone who donated tissues, wipes and/or hand sanitizer. Please donate if you have not. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Have a great day!
Mrs. Valenti