Mrs. Kristin Galvin '21, '24, '28

Kristin has been a long-standing member of the Greenwich Catholic community. She is a GCS alumnus along with her six siblings, and seven of her nieces and nephews. Kristin, and her husband Brendan, are the proud parents of three sons (‘21, ‘24’, and '28).  They are deeply committed to GCS and have volunteered in many capacities. Kristin completed her B.A. in Education from Marymount College followed by an M.A., M.Ed., and all doctoral classwork in Early Childhood/Special Education from Teacher's College, Columbia University. Throughout her 25+ years in education, she has been a classroom teacher, an early intervention specialist, the Director of the Birth to Three Autism Program, and an Adjunct Lecturer and student teacher supervisor at Teacher's College and currently at Hunter College. Additionally, she has served on the Banksville Nursery School and St. Barnabus Preschool boards and currently serves on the Banksville Community House board. The Galvins are members of St. Michael the Archangel Parish.