3-M Homework

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1 more announcement

Only the third grade will be bringing in flowers to be placed at the foot of the statue of Mary. Each child can bring in any type of flower- bought or cut from the garden. In the past, the entire student body brought in a flower, but Mrs. Kopas would like it to be just the third garden this year.
If you have any questions, please contact me.


Happy Spring!!
Thank you for coming in to conference with me. 3-M is well on their way to fourth grade and ready to take on the challenge!
Next week, we will continue our Jamestown study with an in-class web quest. Spelling will consist of review words and a test on Friday. The children will be reading and studying with their religion books (chapter 22) and have a test on Friday. "Pippi Longstocking" has been a great read so far and the children have shown wonderful comprehension with their completion of work in the activity packets.
All students have been given the Connections Packet and Hamburger Packet to be completed for their Book Project due on May 24th. I did advise the children to be complete the Connection Packet while reading.
Friday, May 3, is First Friday mass and the May Crowning. It will be full dress for all students. The third grade will run the mass! Children will be chosen to read, carry up the gifts, and be altar servers (if they are already in training). The girls are asked to wear their veils/headpieces/flowers from their First Communion. If they don't have one, they can wear a pretty hair clip or flowers. 
If you have any questions, please contact me.


Wow! What a great performance at the symphony! The children loved listening to the Peter and the Wolf narrated and the symphony. It was great to sit with our 3rd grade and 2nd-grade friends for GCS.
Thursday we will have our 13 Colonies map test and the topic 8 math test.
Friday will be our spelling test and 1/2 day.
The weather is funny...one day it's upper 60's the next it's low 40's. I spoke with the children about bringing in some type of jacket for recess. They can always take it off if the sun comes out and it warms up.
Have a great week off and a blessed Easter.


Hi Folks!!  I'm happy to report that the children are on the mend!! With 13 children sick over the last 10 days, I have been very concerned about everyone's health. I have 22 children in the class and work with them 6 hours- 5 days a week. It's hard to see a 9-year-old not feeling well and expect them to be the best they can be.
With spring here, I'm sure there are a lot of children that will struggle with allergies. If so, please speak with your pediatrician about daily allergy meds. to help your child feel more comfortable in class. I will continue to remind the children to cover their mouths when coughing and wash up after blowing their noses. 
We have been learning about the season of Lent and working on art projects. Having said that, there will not be a religion test this week or next. Our social studies unit on Colonists is underway. In reading, we finished "Ramona" and will be starting "Freckle Juice". During our reading of "Ramona", the children learned how to write a chapter summary using strong transition words. We will have a book party for "Sarah Noble" - SS novel and "Freckle Juice" dates to be determined. 4th Q book project information has been sent home. The Connection packet will be given out today- 
Tomorrow is dress down day!  We have First Friday Mass this Friday- Full Dress. Conferences start on Monday (please sign up,  if you haven't already done so), Easter party next Thursday, and 1/2 day next Friday.
If you have any questions, please email me or give me a call.


Hi Folks! It was great to see you all yesterday at the Science Fair. The children were thrilled to see you and share all their hard work.
Over the weekend the children will need to read chapter 4 in "Ramona Qimby, Age 8".



Thursday, March 21, 2019
In our classroom.
Reminder: Students must stay and help clean up when the Science Fair is over @ 2:30. Students can meet parents at the front office or outside.


Hi Folks!  Great news!
The children are finished with the CogAT testing and will start the IOWA tomorrow.
They are all working so well together on their STEM projects for the science fair. The bird feeders will most likely be finished tomorrow and ready to start their jobs...feeding birds! Now, all we need is some bird seed. Does anyone want to volunteer to bring some in tomorrow morning???
The Woodland Animal Research passages are almost done and we are finishing up My Father's Dragon and the lap book. When we are finished, the children will plan a book party to celebrate. The party will reflect the story's characters and events.
For religion, we are going to confession tomorrow, watching videos about Lent, and having a prayer circle.


Hi Folks!  
We have a lot going on over the next 2 weeks!
  • CogAT and IOWA tests in the morning
  • Science Fair projects mid-morning
  • Reading / Writing projects every afternoon
  • NO Spelling / Religion (2 weeks)
  • NO HW (2 weeks)
I am sending home an optional Math HW packet for this weekend (I understand that we normally don't have weekend HW but I would like the children to review graphing). Along with the packet, please have your child practice math facts and new vocabulary cards.
As you know, when the children are being tested, it helps to be well rested and have a healthy breakfast. If the students have questions about the test, please be brief with your answers and move on. It's best to keep the topic light and upbeat.
If your child is not feeling well at any time during the next 2 weeks, please keep them home. There will be time to make up any missed tests when they are feeling 100%.
If you have any questions, please email me.


Hi Folks!
Some of the students are finished reading their books for the 3Q Book Project and have started the lap books. The children are to read and fill out the reading packet every night. Please encourage your child to finish the book within the next week as the lap book will take some time to complete and is due March 26th.
  • March 11-22 the students will be taking the IOWA  and CoGat tests. I will not be giving HW during those 2 weeks.
  • our Science Fair research will begin Monday, March 4th- it will involve research on the laptops, creating a powerpoint, STEM project, and science fair boards. All will be done in the class and Computer Lab.
  • March 21st will be our Science Fair in our classroom for parents and GCS students
Students will need to bring in recycling materials for the STEM Project- Please start saving items now so they can be brought in next Thursday. 
This is a group project! The groups will work together to design and build their project in the class. I will be observing and asking the groups questions as they move along with the project. 
Thank you for your help.


Hi Folks!  
Well, we have hit the ground running and are busy with our Woodland Animal unit. The students have chosen an animal to research and write about. I have printed out information passages for each student and given them an outline to fill out while they are researching. Using the outline, the students will then write a research paper. It would be great if they could do a little research on their animal at home-simply google their animal name and look for age-appropriate material and/or videos.
In math, we are finishing up fractions this week and will move on to Topic 14- Time, Capacity, and Mass. PLEASE have your children continue to practice their multiplication facts! They will need them for the IOWA test in March.
We will begin reading "My Father's Dragon" as a group and making lap books to go along with it, as well as responding to comprehension questions in Reading Journals. Every day the students will read from the book chorally. This helps develop fluency and puts word attack skills into practice. If you can get a copy of "My Father's Dragon" from the library or buy one, that would be great as I only have 6 copies.


Hi Folks!
Today the class each chose a chapter book from our list of 5, to read and complete a book project with. Using the smartboard, I gave them a preview of each book. The children each chose a book that is a good match for
their reading level.
There is more information in their HW folder. Please read Book Project notice with your child over the weekend. After your child finishes their chapter book, I will send home all parts need to complete the project- a fun lap book! 
In math, we will continue to learn about fractions. Science will focus on the food chain and woodland animals. Reading and Reasoning skills are being taught and practiced to improve comprehension and learning more suffixes are sure to help with fluency and comprehension. Most children are finishing up their first piece of expository writing and will continue to write about a designated woodland animal. 
Valentine cards will be exchanged at snack time on Friday.
Enjoy the weekend

3-M Valentine Cards

Hi Folks
Next Friday, February 8th the children will be exchanging Valentine Cards (we will not be having a party) We have 22 students. Please have your child sign each card. It is much easier if they DO NOT ADDRESS the cards. This makes the delivery process less haphazard. 
Tomorrow, the children will be decorating bags to collect their cards in.