7th Grade ELA

Course Description


Class Policies

Mr. Carretta

Grade 7

Language Arts


Welcome! I’m looking forward to this year in class and helping you become a better reader and writer, as well as building vocabulary and grammar skills.


Required Materials:

  1. Agenda
  2. A 1 ½ inch or 2 inch three-ring binder for Language Arts
  3. Package of dividers divided into Grammar, Literature, Vocabulary and Writing
  4. Looseleaf Paper
  5. Notebook
  6. Pencils/Pens
  7. Pencil Case (with holes so it can be placed in binder)


Policies and Expectations

  • You will arrive to class on time and will be sitting in your seat when the bell rings.
  • You will have all materials and assignments before you walk into the classroom. If you have to go to your locker—you are late.
  • You will participate and be respectful to the entire class.
  • You will lose 10% for each day homework is late, up to 50%. Don’t count on me to track you down to ask for late homework assignments; if I don’t get it, it’s a zero.
  • If you are absent, assignments/tests/quizzes are due on the day after you return. (For extended absences—3 days or more—see me.)


Grading/Assessment (Reading/Literature)

            Participation                             15%

            Organization                             10%

            Quizzes/Tests/Projects             45%

            Writing Assignments                 30%


Class Structure

The class will be divided into five major components:


Writing: You will be brainstorming, drafting, revising, editing, peer-editing and publishing all work. There will be at least one major essay/paper due each quarter.


Grammar: We will be studying grammar throughout the year.


Literature: There will be two novels per quarter—one in-class and one independent. These will be read both in class and at home, with classwork and homework for each to facilitate deeper understanding of the text.


Short Readings: These will include both fiction and non-fiction readings. The fiction readings will primarily relate to the main theme of the marking period, while the non-fiction readings will help you understand the world around us.


Vocabulary: We will study vocabulary throughout the year, both from our in-class novels and from our vocabulary books.

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