English Grammar (Period 6N)

Course Description

 Please memorize the linking verbs.

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Thank you!

Dear Families,
Thank you to all who so generously sent in treats for our Tuck Everlasting celebration. God bless you always!

Tuck Everlasting Breakfast Celebration

Tuck Everlasting Breakfast Celebration Thursday June 1
Culminating Activity

Definitely Allergy Season

Dear Families,
Please donate tissues for our classroom. We have a lot of sniffly, runny noses...thanks so much for your continued generosity!
Mrs. Valenti

Summer Enrichment 7th grade ELA

Please sign up for the exciting summer enrichment programs if you are entering 7th grade. Please see the website for details!

Thank You!

Thank you to all of the families who generously sent in treats for our Wrinkle in Time celebration. God bless you!

Wrinkle in Time Celebration

Celebration- We will culminate Wrinkle in Time by having a special "midnight snack-like" celebration on Thursday and watching the movie. 


Dear Families,
If possible, please donate prizes for our prize box. The kids truly enjoy them when they are rewarded for something. Your continued generosity is greatly appreciated. God bless you!
Maureen Valenti

Summer School and Packets

Dear Families,
Please sign up for summer programs at GCS. Summer packets will be available on the last day of school. Many teachers who are available to teach summer school help with summer work. 

Lockers in the Middle School

Dear Families,
Please be advised that the students have been graded on the neatness of their personal lockers in the new upper school building. The students are aware of this and I have worked with them all year on this. They will receive a project grade on this for the remainder of the year. God bless you! The sixth grade team believes this is a  necessary skill.
Mrs. Valenti

Emailed work

Dear Families,
Unless you have printer problems or are turning in work by a midnight deadline, please do not email work. Bring in a hard copy on the due date. Thanks so much! God bless you!
Mrs. Valenti

Lent Pope Francis

Dear Families,
I found this to be interesting...wanted to share..God bless you!
Maureen Valenti
Pope Francis on Lent
Pope Francis recently offered the following on Lenten fasting. In this he follows Pope St. Leo (+461 AD) who taught that we should above all, fast from sin.
 Do you want to fast this Lent?

Fast from hurting words and say kind words.
Fast from sadness and be filled with gratitude.
Fast from anger and be filled with patience.
Fast from pessimism and be filled with hope.
Fast from worries and trust in God.
Fast from complaints and contemplate simplicity.
Fast from pressures and be prayerful.
Fast from bitterness and fill your heart with joy.
Fast from selfishness and be compassionate to others.
Fast from grudges and be reconciled.
Fast from words and be silent so you can listen.